The Stars Foundation
(615) 415-4411
Championing the Cause of
World Orphans Day Around the World

The Stars Foundation
Baby Rescue Program

Baby Rescue Program

For many years, The Stars Foundation has worked with Christian organizations around the world. Our mission’s team has been actively involved in rescuing babies from the most remote communities of Guatemala to find those who can only survive if they receive emergency help. Guatemala has more than 400,000 orphans.

The families we reach in such remote areas, the average cost to send in a care team and rush a child safely to a hospital is $US 1,200.00 per child. Your gift of any amount will help save a Child’s life today. Click to Donate Now

We are delighted to be working in El Salvador with a network of orphanages that are seeking support through us to facilitate a national baby and child rescue program through nutritional and alternative health modules. Thousands of children need our help to support them with medical devices and nutritional products. Please support us today!

Child in the Arms of Rescuer

TSF's Canadian Baby Rescue Campaign

We are working in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness to further their goals of creating safe haven places in other provinces across Canada so that abandoned babies can be rescued and placed in safe housing. Help us advocate for the babies abandoned across Canada!

Advocating Legislation

What is it?

Legislation that exists allowing a mother (parent) to surrender her newborn/infant to a "safe haven." The purpose is to protect unwanted infants from being killed, dumped or abandoned in an unsafe place. The legislation allows a mother to leave her infant safely, without fear of prosecution or of being identified. Safe havens always include a hospital or its emergency room and can include other health care provider locations and police or fire departments.

Current legislation limits the age at which a mother can anonymously relinquish her baby. Many jurisdictions have set the limit at 72 hours after birth. Another large group of jurisdictions places the limit at one month, and others have extended it to 60 or even 90 days.

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Ellen Campbell

A survivor of childhood sexual abuse with a long road to healing, CCAA CEO & Founder, Ellen Campbell, translated her own recovery into hope for others. During her tenure as Executive Director for Starlight Children’s Foundation, where she served for twelve years, she founded the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness (CCAA) and in 1993 held the first National Conference for Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse. That was to be the first of what would be three national conferences for adult survivors and over the following decade CCAA also began designing programs for children.

As CEO & Founder for the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness, the name Ellen Campbell has become synonymous with abuse prevention and recovery in Canada. In recognition of her work and the national influence achieved by CCAA, in December 2006, the Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada appointed Ms. Campbell to The Minister’s Advisory Committee on Judicial Appointments for Ontario, a position that she continued to hold until 2010.

Awards and Acknowledgements:

• The Queen Elizabeth 11 Diamond Jubilee Award
• Order Ontario, Toronto's 2010 Fearless Woman Award

Press Release

Ellen Campbell Joins as Canada Honorary Chairman

Ellen Campbell