What makes PRAISE PUPS FOR JESUS Television Animated Cartoon Series, Sunday School Bible Study and Musical Concert Performances unique and impactful is how the message is presented to the children. Tastefully each episode provides a means for a child to cope with real life situations in and outside the family structure. The spirit-filled concept is designed to target, educate and inspire children via a television cartoon series or in the classroom via an inspirational and uplifting message delivered in part through a musical performance.
Storyboards are tied to current issues facing today’s children such as: parental alcohol & drug abuse at home, disrespecting authority, child trafficking, child abuse, bullying, love thy neighbor and jealousy, etc. which are featured episodes throughout the television series and Sunday school curriculum.
PRAISE PUPS FOR JESUS concert performers are professional musicians who will headline at schools, churches, and large public venues for free concerts and as a matinee performance during national and international ministerial crusades and one-off events. The group of seven talented musicians will be dressed in designer Praise Pups clothing and tennis shoes, wearing life-like dog heads and paws performing our professionally recorded songs to a live children’s audience.

The local church, school, and/or venue(s) will receive media and educational materials in advance of the program to commence a 13-week Sunday school study
Information and the classroom instructors’ materials will be available on the PRAISE PUPS FOR JESUS website for our church partners globally. As the Musical Performance will be staged at regional arenas or large-scale venues, participating churches and/or community Boys and Girls Clubs. Children throughout the region will be invited to participate at the concert venue, crusade, and/or auditorium venue on a no charge basis.

PRAISE PUPS FOR JESUS logo and brand merchandising will appear on the school notebooks, backpacks, stuffed Praise Pups Dogs, and lunchboxes. Additionally, Praise Pups Music Soundtracks will be merchandised on-line along with clothing and other items.

Plans for bookings, advertising and promotions are a few of the deliverables currently available through Iceman Television.
Plans are being considered to expand the PRAISE PUPS FOR JESUS cartoon series and the Sunday school curriculum and the Musical Performances to be executed in Spanish language as phase II of the international television and Sunday school classroom programming.