The Stars Foundation
(615) 415-4411
Championing the Cause of
World Orphans Day Around the World

The Stars Foundation Logo


The Stars Foundation began its advocacy campaign for Children’s Rights early in its formative years in the 1990’s. We treasure the contributions made by each and all of our public figures who helped shape our awareness campaigns throughout the years. We support the children of our fallen heroes here in
the USA. In more recent years with our Flagship Campaign World Orphans Day, The Stars Foundation focused its advocacy efforts on the orphans and displaced children of the world. We have been fortunate to garner significant world leaders and world changers to champion our causes throughout the world. We appreciate all the public awareness volunteers, celebrity supporters, Ambassadors of Goodwill and public dignitaries around the world. Here below are just a few photos from the past, as well as the present, to showcase memorable moments of the advocacy work of The Stars Foundation.

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